Tuesday 17 June 2008

At the age of 29, I finally have a fulltime job!

Well, I had the interview for the Griffith University postdoc fellow position on Thursday 12th June, and yesterday, Monday 16th June, I got a call to say the job was MINE!!

I am so bloody excited about it and can't wait to move to Brisbane and start! Bec and I are travelling to Brisbane tomorrow to look at 4 houses to rent in Sunnybank Hills, Sunnybank and Mansfield. They are pretty close to the university so it means that I can occasionally ride my bike to uni!! Although the cost of renting may be $10 - 20 more per week closer to the uni compared to suburbs further out, we will be saving on fuel driving vast distances getting anywhere! My wage (before tax and superannuation) is exactly 60k which is more than I thought I would be getting! I have now been to the University of Western Australia, Edith Cowan University, University of New England and now Griffith University: four universities in three states! Looks like I am continuing my 'professional student' career!!

I am really looking forward to the drive to Brisbane, having never driven north of Yamba (see earlier post from last year), so there will be many a photo and further details soon, so watch this space!


Anonymous said...

Oh Wow! Well done! Very happy for you :D That's exactly what you deserve with your experience and skill set, and basically is a great entry way into the network of the academic system. w00t!

And if you move to Brizzayh we can visit you easy enough ;)

Anonymous said...

YAY! Congrats Jarrad! Wonderful news! Sounds like everything is falling in to place for you, and nothing less than what you deserve. Bris sounds like a great new start for both you and Rebecca, and you'll be able to see Max during his regular holidays in Briz! Once you are settled, I can hook you up with a cat or dog from the shelter! :D YAY!

Anonymous said...

Hey I'll have to give you a call sometimes to see how you're settling in... I think I've got your number at home...