Tuesday 18 March 2008

Back home

After 7 weeks away, I am finally back in NSW. Although it has been all go, go, go since being back. Firstly, I was supposed to get back to Coffs Harbour on the Friday night (7th March), but given that the plane from Perth to Sydney was delayed for 2 hours (apparently the pilot's chair wasn't secured and was moving around!), I missed the connecting flight. As a result, I was put up in the Mecure Hotel for the night (including complimentary dinner and breakfast) before catching the first flight in the morning of the 8th March. It was probably a good thing arriving the next day however, as I was still suffering a hangover from my Thursday buck's night... mind you, I was still suffering it all day Saturday too!! My buck's night was awesome!!! It involved a round of golf in the morning (with Ryan as he was the only one able to come) at Wembley Golf Course. We hired a golf cart which was HEAPS of fun: a bit of work for the groundskeepers around the course after our little effort. All said and done however, it was one of my best rounds ever: 117 from the 18 holes!! The actual buck's night was awesome too: needless to say, there was 'entertainment' for the night which everyone enjoyed, although just hanging out with the Warwick High School boys (and Ryan) was the real joy; playing poker, laughing, talking and drinking (what obviously must have been) copious amounts of beer and bourbon!! Needless to say, waiting to catch the plane the next morning was one of the more uncomfortable experiences of my life: the hangover was a cracker (as Glynn, who was flying with me, could atest to).

Since being back, I have been doing everything from designing and preparing the weddnig invitations, driving to Port Macquarie to visit Bec's relatives, driving to Coffs for various items and looking for and applying for work. I have just sent off my resume to an Environmental Consultant company based in Coffs Harbour called GeoLINK. They are looking for an ecologist to join their team, so I jumped at the chance to apply for the job!! Hopefully I hear from them soon!!

I will keep everybody updated on how this goes!!!