Tuesday 25 November 2008

Ecological Society of Australia conference poster

Between the 1st and 5th December 2008, the Ecological Society of Australia is holding their 33rd annual ESA conference in Sydney, at the University of Sydney! I am going to this conference and will be presenting a poster of some of the research that I am carrying out here at Griffith University. I have pasted the poster as an image to the right here, although if you wish to see it in all it’s full quality (7MB Powerpoint slide; A0 in size, 84cm x 119cm), click here to download. You will notice on the poster a picture of my supervisor (Prof Catterall) and myself, and as you will notice, yes, I have cut all my hair off! Given the hot, muggy weather up here in Brisbane, short hair is DEFINITELY better to work with than longer hair!!

Sydney University is one of the ‘Sandstone Universities’ (along with University of Western Australia which is where I undertook my undergraduate degree in Zoology and Botany), representing the 6 oldest educational institutions in Australia; all were founded before World War 2, and represent the oldest universities in each state. The grounds of Sydney University look stunning, with predominantly sandstone buildings, exemplifying the early Victorian Gothic architecture of the mid-nineteenth century. I will definitely post images of the university and the conference in the near future! Rebecca is coming with me and shopping and relaxing while I am at the conference. Everything is paid for (travel, taxis, accommodation and conference registration), so this is an opportunity for Bec (oh, we had to pay for her airfare of course) and I to enjoy a holiday (of sorts), without the exorbitant costs normally associated with it! Enjoy perusing over the poster, feel free to leave feedback or questions, and I will post photos and debrief when I get back!

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