Well, a lot has happened since my last post back in October 2009, and I have every intention of getting back on the blogging bandwagon soon. When I do, I will expand on the following news and events:
Rebecca and I now have a son: William Anthony Cousin, born 10th April 2010, 680g (1lb 8oz). He was born 3 months early, was in hospital for the first 100 days of his life, and is the most beautiful, happy and precious boy. Given his extreme prematurity, there were and continue to be a number of challenges we are all dealing with, some we wish to share to not only document his progress but to have the opportunity for us to hear from others with the same experience.
I no longer work at Griffith University, with my post-doctoral research fellowship contract finishing at the end of 2010. I am still, however, an adjunct fellow of the university.
I am presently a Senior Ecologist at a small environmental consultant company in Brisbane called Litoria Consulting. I have been there for just over a month and am absolutely loving it.
Anyway, William is due for his morning tea, so I will endeavour to being posting again asap...
Watch this space!!